Monday, August 10, 2009

About This Blog

I'm going to use this blog to explore and share my thoughts about a number of subjects and causes close to my heart, including but not limited to feminist issues, GLBTQ activism and representation, teen culture in America, and the importance of popular culture as social critique. I would consider most of those notions "marginal" in the context of mainstream America, and since I agree wholeheartedly with the quote above that the best way for marginal groups to escape the margins is to communicate with and speak out for one another, "Marginally Yours" seemed like a great name for this space. In that same vein, I'd love to eventually open this blog up to multiple contributors to create a chorus of voices from the margins, whatever and wherever they may be. So, welcome to my bit of cyberspace. Read, think, comment, and tell your friends!


  1. Dearest darlingest former roommate of Shakespearean wisdom, I wait with longing for your words of wisdom!

  2. I think I am totally agree wholeheartedly with the quote above that the best way for marginal groups to escape the margins is to communicate with and speak out for one another.

